EditPlus es un editor de texto, HTML editor, editor de Java y Hex Viewer para Windows.
EditPlus es un editor de texto, HTML editor, PHP editor, editor de Java y Hex Viewer para Windows. While puede servir como un buen reemplazo del Bloc de notas, también ofrece muchas características de gran alcance para los autores de la página Web y programadores.
- Resaltado de sintaxis para HTML, PHP, Java, C/C, CSS, ASP, Perl, JavaScript, VBScript, Python y Ruby on Rails.
- Seamless Web navegador para obtener una vista previa HTML páginas, y FTP comandos para subir los archivos a FTP servidor.
Este programa recibió 17 premios
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2.8 MB
Been using this for decades for HTML coding. Small footprint, all the features I need, and top-notch customer service too. When a forest fire destroyed my computer and house they were extremely helpful in getting a new copy of the software to me. A great program and wonderful people.
Excellent editor.
I find EditPlus really useful when messing around with various text based file formats. It's simple to use but has plenty of really useful features that you won't find in many other text editors.